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USDA Announces Enforcement Discretion for Hemp Lab Testing & Destruction

February 28, 2020

On February 27, 2020 the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced that it will temporarily hold off on enforcing two key aspects of the federal hemp production rules in response to feedback from stakeholders. 

In particular, producers will not be penalized if they don’t have their hemp tested at a DEA-registered lab due to the limited number of such facilities nationwide, and “hot hemp” (THC content over 0.3%) would not have to be destroyed in the manner set forth in the USDA’s Interim Final Rule as long as an acceptable alternate method (which the agency has spelled out in a separate document) is used.

You can view the entire statement on Lab Registration and Disposal Enforcement Discretion here.


This information is provided as a public educational service and is not intended as legal advice. For specific questions about hemp or cannabis laws, please contact the Law Offices of Omar Figueroa at 707-829-0215 or