
Marin County Releases Draft Ordinance for Medicinal Cannabis Delivery-Only Retailer (MCDORe) licenses

Marin County has released its draft ordinance for issuing Medicinal Cannabis Delivery-Only Retailer (MCDORe) licenses.

Highlights of the draft delivery-only ordinance:

  • “The MCDORe license is more restrictive than a State Retailer license because it requires the retailer’s premises to be closed to the public and to conduct sales exclusively by delivery.” Section 6.86.030, License Requirements.
  • Up to four MCDORe licenses may be issued for “premises within the unincorporated areas of Marin County for a medicinal cannabis retailer which is closed to the public and conducts sales exclusively by delivery.”  Section 6.86.032, Limitation on number of licenses.
  • A MCDORe “may only be located in the C1, CP, AP, OP, and IP” zoning districts.  One can look up zoning information for a particular location in unincorporated Marin County by clicking here.
  • A MCDORe must not be within a 600-foot radius of a playground, tobacco store, school, day care center, youth center, or “another cannabis retailer.”  Section 6.86.033, Limitation on location.
  • License applications will go through multiple phases: prescreening, lottery (if there are more than four applicants; lottery winners win the opportunity to continue to compete for a license), application pre-submittal, and application review based on a 100 point scale.  Section 6.86.041, Review of Applications.

A public workshop and Question & Answer session is scheduled for Sep. 19 at 6:30 p.m. in the Marin County Board of Supervisors chamber, Suite 330, 3501 Civic Center Drive, in San Rafael.  The draft ordinance is set for a first reading by the Board of Supervisors on Sep. 26 and could be adopted as soon as October 10, 2017.

The draft ordinance can be downloaded below.

Marin County Draft Delivery-Only Ordinance

More information about the draft ordinance is available at:

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If you are interested in applying for a Marin County Medicinal Cannabis Delivery-Only Retailer (MCDORe) license, please contact the Law Offices of Omar Figueroa at (415) 489-0420 or (707) 829-0215. Due to the limited number of licenses, we are only able to represent one applicant for a Marin County Medicinal Cannabis Delivery-Only Retailer (MCDORe) license. Lawyer up quick!

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