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Hemp Cultivation Applications Now Accepted in Sonoma County

April 29, 2020

by Lauren Mendelsohn

Earlier this year, Sonoma County adopted an ordinance allowing industrial hemp cultivation with certain limitations. The Sonoma County Department of Agriculture Weights and Measures (“AWM”) began accepting registration applications to cultivate industrial hemp on April 16, 2020. The AWM can begin approving these applications on May 1, after the current moratorium expires on April 30.  The AWM Industrial Hemp Program has a comprehensive web site, which can be found here.

An application must be approved before hemp cultivation can begin. The hemp ordinance includes hefty penalties for unregistered hemp cultivation, which is deemed to be unpermitted cannabis cultivation. Other reasons why penalties may be imposed include high THC content and noncompliance with destruction or removal requirements. Hemp growers in Sonoma County must also follow the State’s industrial hemp laws and regulations from the Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA).

An applicant must submit a state registration form for either growing or seed breeding in each county they desire to cultivate industrial hemp in; this is submitted to the county despite using CDFA forms. The fee for this is $900. In addition, an applicant must submit a county registration form for each site they will be growing hemp on within the county. This also costs $900. (In Sonoma County, this paperwork is all submitted to the AWM office.) A criminal history report must be submitted, as well as a site map, business and key participant information, and more.

Below are some links and resources related to Sonoma County’s industrial hemp policy:

Sonoma County Industrial Hemp Ordinance

Sonoma County Industrial Hemp Registration Application

Sonoma County Industrial Hemp Registration Checklist

Sonoma County Industrial Hemp Registration Checklist Guidelines

Sonoma County Industrial Hemp Recommended Best Management Practices

California Industrial Hemp Law and Regulations

CDFA Hemp Grower Registration Packet

CDFA Hemp Seed Breeder Registration Packet

Application for License to Sell Nursery Stock

AWM Suitability Mapping Application

Due to the ongoing COVID-19 health crisis, registration forms must be mailed to the AWM or put in the drop box outside their office at 133 Aviation Boulevard, Suite 110, Santa Rosa, CA 95403.


This information is provided as a public educational service and is not intended as legal advice. For specific legal questions regarding hemp cultivation in Sonoma County or elsewhere in California, contact the Law Offices of Omar Figueroa at (707) 829-0215 or to schedule a confidential legal consultation.